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Forxiga is the drug produced in the form of tablets. Tablets belong to SGLT2 inhibitors. Its main purpose is to reduce the level of blood sugar. It helps the kidney to remove glucose from the organism and excrete it during urination. It also helps to lose weight. Patients use the tablets to treat type II diabetes and get rid of the additional weight that is the result of the health disorder. The drug can be taken alone as a monotherapy or as an additional treatment. It doesn’t fit people with diabetes I.

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Forxiga is the drug produced in the form of tablets. Tablets belong to SGLT2 inhibitors. Its main purpose is to reduce the level of blood sugar. It helps the kidney to remove glucose from the organism and excrete it during urination. It also helps to lose weight. Patients use the tablets to treat type II diabetes and get rid of the additional weight that is the result of the health disorder. The drug can be taken alone as a monotherapy or as an additional treatment. It doesn’t fit people with diabetes I.

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